- 2025.3.19
- Noji lab is currently recruiting new Administrative Staff as URA (full-time/short-time working).(here, here)
- 2025.3.3
- Mika Kobayashi-san's paper has been published on Communications Chemistry.(here)
(press release)
- 2025.2.27
- Minagawa-san and Yabuta-san's paper has been published on Nature Communications.(here)
(press release)
- 2025.2.19
- An interview with Noji-san has been opened on Youtube.(here)
(cited from 43 Interviews in Institutes for Advanced Study, The University of Tokyo, The UTOPIA Center HP)
- 2025.1.27
- Tomohara-san's paper has been published on Nature Communications.(here )
(press release)
- 2025.1.8
- Noji-san, Minagawa-san and Ueno-san's review paper has published on accademic journal of Oyo Buturi.(here)
- 2024.12.16
- Marui-san (M2) and Kubo-san (PD) received the Young Scientist Presentation Award at the 50th Annual meeting of Japanese BioEnergetic Group. Congratulations! Marui-san received the award for his current master's research theme and Kubo-san received for his previous research theme.

- 2024.11.11
- Tabata-san and Tanaka-san, congrats on publication in PLOAS ONE! This is a collaboration work with Su’etsugu-san (Rikkyo Univ.) and Kawaoka-san (Institute of Medical Science, Univ. Tokyo). (here)
- 2024.10.11
- Noji-san will give a talk at Phiysics Colloquium, Faculuty of Sciencey, The University of Tokyo. Slide materials can be downloaded from here.
- 2024.8.29
- Noji-san has published a report on IUPAB2024 congress, entitled with "Editorial: IUPAB2024 Congress in Kyoto".(here )
- 2024.8.21
- A seminar on digital assay using new device was held by Professor Adam Micolich (UNSW Sydney) on August 20th. Thank you so much!
- 2024.8.9
- A seminar was held by alumna Ayako Yukawa on July 19th, and by alumna Mizue Saiki [Tanigawara] on August 7th. Thank you so much!
- 2024.7.1
- Kubo-san, Aya Suzuki-san, Tamao-san, Marui-san and Miyata-san received IUPAB2024 'Student and Early Career Researcher' Poster Award for the IUPAB2024. Congratulations!

- 2024.4.3
- Hatasaki-san and Kobayashi-san's paper has been published on Protein Science.(here)
- 2024.4.3
- Paper on the structure of rotorless F1-ATPase has been published on Structure.(here)
- 2023.11.20
- Ryohei Kobayashi-san received Early Career Award, and Taiji Ueno-san and Yasuda-san received the Student Presentation Award for the 61st Annual Meeting of Biophysical Society of Japan. Congratulations!
- 2023.10.23
Noji lab is currently recruiting new Assistant professor and Project researcher.(here, here) Applications have been closed.
- 2023.10.23
- Noji lab is currently recruiting new Project academic specialist for biochemical experiments or system developmentistant.(here, here)
- 2023.10.17
- Noji-san has published commentary on IUPAB2024 congress, entitled with “Rocking out Biophysics in IUPAB2024 Kyoto!”.(here )
- 2023.8.18
- Ueno-san's paper has been published on ACS Sensors.(here )
- 2023.5.16
- Watanabe-san's paper has been published on iScience.(here )
- 2023.4.4
- An article on Sakuma-san's paper on the relationship between molecular individuality of enzymes and enzyme evolution has been published in Spotlight Research of Chem-Station.[here (in Japanease)]
- 2023.4.3
- Kobayashi-san's paper has been published on Nature Communications.(here )
[press release (in Japanease)]
- 2023.1.27
- Sakuma-san's paper has been published on Jornal of the American Chemical Society.(here )
[press release (in Japanease)]
- 2022.12.29
- Minagawa-san's paper has been published on ACS Nano.(here )
[press release (in Japanease)]
- 2022.12.12
- Tamao-san earned the Poster Award at the JST CREST-PRESTO Genome Synthesis Research Meeting. Congratulations!
- 2022.7.21
- Noji-san, Minagawa-san and Ueno-san's review paper has published on Lab on a Chip.(here)
- 2022.6.3
- Yaginuma-san’s paper has been published on Lab on a Chip.(here)
- 2022.6.2
- President Yasuda of HERZ has sent the Covid-19 spike glycoprotein key ring.(here , here , here)
- 2022.4.21
- The Biophysical Society of Japan has made a statement on Rossian's military invasion of Ukraine. (here )
- 2021.12.8
- Tomohara-san received Student Presentation Award for 59th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society of Japan.
- 2021.9.15
- We received a message card from Professor Alastair Stewart.(message card , back side)
- 2021.9.2
- Congrats Ueno-san and Sawada-san. Their paper on In-droplet long DNA amplification has been selected as one of Most Read Articles of ACS Synth. Biol.(here)
- 2021.8.19
- Our recent paper on F1 structure (Nat. Comm. 2021) was featured in Editors’ Highlights webpage in Nat. Comm.(here)
- 2021.8.19
- Ueno-san and Sawada-san, congrats on publication in ACS Synthetic Biology! This is a collaboration work with Su’etsugu-san and Nara-san in Rikkyo Univ.(here)
- 2021.8.4
- Ueno-san's paper has been published on Nature Communications.(here )
(press release)
- 2021.6.19
- Kobayashi-san received Early Career Award, and Watanabe-san received the poster award for the 21st Annual Meeting of the Protein Science Society of Japan.
- 2021.5.20
- Ueno-san and Kato-san’s paper has been published on Protein Science. (here )
- 2021.3.27
- Kobayashi-san and Mori-san’s paper has been published on The Journal of Biochemistry. (here )
- 2021.3.17
- Honda-san’s paper about the development of Multidimensional (MD) digital bioassay has been published on Analytical Chemistry. (here )
This paper is featured on the front cover of the latest issue of Analytical Chemistry!(here )
- 2020.11.10
- Mariel-san’s paper has been published on PNAS.(here)
- 2020.9.25
- Suzuki-san, Nakajima-san, Tomohara-san, Ma-san, congrats for Student Presentation Award of 58th Annual Meeting of Biophysical Society of Japan!(here )
- 2020.7.11
- Digital Influenza Virus Counting (DIViC) paper in Scientific Report (2019) by Tabata-san and Minagawa-san got the top15 access in Chemistry category of Scientific Report. Congrats Tabata-san & Minagawa-san!(here )
- 2020.6.15
- A collaboration work with Prof. Kimbara (Tokyo. Inst. Tech.) was published in Nat. Comm.(here )
- 2020.6.15
- Collaboration project with Prof. Tokuriki, Prof. Fraser, and Prof. OSUNA won 2020 research grant of Human Frontier Science Program (HFSP).(here )
- 2020.4.30
- Akama-san’s paper has been published on Lab on a Chip.(here)
- 2020.4.10
Noji-san, Ueno-san, and Kobayashi-san published a new review paper in Biophysical Reviews.
They report an implicative correlation between the numbers of rotational steps of F1 and Fo.
(Link: here)
- 2020.1.29
Noji-san, congrats on Grand Prix of Nakatani Prize from Nakatani foundation.(Link: here)
- 2020.1.28
Honda-san, congrats on winning of two awards: Student Poster Award & Tony B. Academic Travel Award in SLAS202 (San Diego) from Society for Laboratory Automation & Screening.(Photo: here )
- 2020.1.7
- Kobayashi-san’s work has been published on PNAS.(Here)
- 2019.11.27
- Prof. Noji gave a lecture at Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM).
(HP:here )
- 2019.11.27
- Minagawa-san's digital influenza measurement method was introduced on Yomiuri TV.(here )
- 2019.11.14
- Ueno-san & Kato-san’s paper has been published on Analytical Chemistry(Here)
- 2019.11.5
- Akama-san’s paper has been published on ACS Nano(Here)
- 2019.9.30
- Minagawa-san's project will be broadcasted on TBS. Date:9/29 22:54~ @TBS CBC / 10/6 20:54~ @BS-TBS
- 2019.9.27
- Yaginuma-san won Early Career Award, and Honda-san, Ryo-san, Ochiai-san, Sawada-san won Student Presentation award in The 57th Annual Meeting of The Biophysical Society of Japan(Picture : Here)
- 2019.9.02
- Yi-san’s paper about directed evolution has been published on Science Advances
- 2019.8.29
- Honda-san received the poster award for the 59th summer school of biophysics.
- 2019.8.7
- Minagawa-san’s digital influenza virus counting has been published on Lab on a chip
- (Cover : Here)
- 2019.8.7
- Press release about digital influenza virus counting.(Article 1, Article 2, Article 3
, Article 4
, Article 5
- 2019.7.10
- Our research about artificial cells were featured on the article “EMIRA”.(Here)
- 2019.6.3
- Prof. Adam Micolich has joined our group as the JSPS researcher.
- 2019.3.26
- Ryo Watanabe-san gets the Fujishima’s award for the master’s thesis.
- 2019.3.1
- Tabata-san, Sogo-san and Moriizumi-san’s work has been published on Life.(Here)
- 2019.2.14
- Moriizumi-san’s work has been published on ACS Synthetic Biology.
- 2019.2.13
- Press release about digital bioassay for influenza.(Here, Here, Here
- 2019.1.31
- Press release about digital bioassay for influenza.(Here, Here)
- 2019.1.31
- Tabata-san & Minagawa-san’ s work has been published on Scientific Reports.